National Guard

Members of the Wyoming National Guard who were deployed to aid Sweetwater Memorial include Airman Basic Bradley Hammond, (from left, top) PFC Braiden Haworth, Army Specialist Zachary Berry, Army Specialist William Romkee, PFC Destiny Britton, Army Specialist Fawn Rush, PFC Mary Rebekah Wilson, and PFC Jordan Wuolle.

ROCK SPRINGS — Eight members of the Wyoming National Guard are providing much-needed help at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County.

Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon’s office announced Sept. 21 that the governor activated the Wyoming National Guard to help provide assistance to hospitals dealing with a surge in COVID-19 patients. Gordon called on about 95 Wyoming National Guard soldiers and air service members to state active duty orders. They have been assigned to hospital locations at 24 different locations in 17 Wyoming cities.

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