Yes, 29.2%! That’s not a typo. Rocky Mountain Power is requesting that YOUR power bill be raised almost 30%, with 7.6% of that already in place on an “interim basis” — prior to any ruling by the State’s Public Service Commission, and prior to the People of Wyoming having a voice and the ability to weigh in on a crippling rate hike.

A rate hike of this magnitude would devastate local WYOMING households and cripple local WYOMING businesses. Think of what adding 30% to your own power bill would do. Ask your employer what that will mean to the company where you work, and the future of that company — your future. Contact your local government officials at the City and County level and ask them what a 30% hike in those rates will do to critical services — and how much they’ll want to raise YOUR taxes to pay for that added cost. Taxes on TOP of you paying that 30% at home, and thru increased prices at local stores. This sort of inflationary cycle will only worsen as the very expensive dog-days of summer turn to deadly freezing days and nights of winter.

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